SPIE Photonics West, Feb 23, San Francisco (USA)
V. Castaing, Translucent persistent phosphor films and nanophotonics: beyond limits set by composition
III Prisma Conference, Nov 22, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain)
E. Cabello, Photonic architectures based on nanophosphors towards improved and functional illumination
5th International Workshop of Persistent and Photostimulable Phosphors (IWPPP-5), August 29th- September 2nd, Belgrade (Serbia)
V. Castaing, Transparent persistent luminescence fIlms: from design to glowing perspectives
ICOM, The 6th International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices, August 29th- September 2nd, Belgrade (Serbia)
G. Lozano, Nanophosphor-based Photonic Materials provide fine control over the emission properties of rare-earth nanocrystals
Applied Photonics workshop, Agust 19th, International Centre of Physics. Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (Vietnam)
T. Ngo, UpconvertingNanophosphor-based photonics for different applications
Invited talk
2022 Spring Meeting, European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), May 30th - June 3rd, Online
V. Castaing, Transparent persistent luminescence fIlms: from design to glowing perspectives
2022 Spring Meeting, European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), May 30th - June 3rd, Online
E. Cabello, Photonic structures for tuning nanophosphor films emission
2022 Spring Meeting, European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), May 30th - June 3rd, Online
T. Ngo, Highly versatile up-converting oxyfluoride-based nanophosphor films
SPIE Photonics Europe 2022, 3rd-7th April, Strasbourg (France)
E. Cabello et al, Nanophosphor-based photonic architectures
SPIE Photonics Europe 2022, 3rd-7th April, Strasbourg (France)
E. Cabello et al, Imprinted periodic surface textures enhace the directionality of theemission of thin phosphor films
NANOLIGHT, March 6-12th, Benasque (Spain)
E. Cabello et al, Nanophosphor Photonics for Efficient Light Conversion
NANOLIGHT, March 6-12th, Benasque (Spain)
T. Ngo et al, Plasmon-enhanced up-conversion photoluminescence in fluoride-oxyfluoride nanophosphor films
NANOLIGHT, March 6-12th, Benasque (Spain)
J. M. Viaña et al, Optical antennas prepared by colloidal lithography enhance nanophosphor light emission
CEN 2021 Conferencia Española de Nanofotónica, September 20-22th, Universidad de Vigo (Spain) - Online
E. Cabello et al, Monolithic patterned nanophosphors: light emission control from periodic surface textures
CEN 2021 Conferencia Española de Nanofotónica, September 20-22th, Universidad de Vigo (Spain) - Online
G. Lozano, Nanophosphor Photonics for Efficient Light Conversion
CEN 2021 Conferencia Española de Nanofotónica, September 20-22th, Universidad de Vigo (Spain) - Online
T. Ngo et al, Multifuntional up-converting oxyfluoride-based nanophosphor films
APOLO Summer School_Perovskite Solar Technology, July 14-16th, LEITAT Managing Technologies (Spain) - Online
G. Lozano, Optical design allows precise light management for optoelectronics
Invited webinar
MONTH OF OPTICS, OSA Student Chapter, April 24th, Universidad YACHAY Tech (Ecuador) - Online
G. Lozano, Nanophosphor Photonics for Efficient Light Conversion
Invited webinar
NANOPTO, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (ICMAB), December 10th - Online
G. Lozano, Nanophosphor Photonics
Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Congress, September 26-28, Darmstadt (Germany) - Online event
E. Cabello-Olmo et al., Efficient Transparent Nanophosphor Films for Visible Light Generation
Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Congress, September 26-28, Darmstadt (Germany) - Online event
E. Cabello-Olmo et al., Solution processed Photonic Structures for Nanophosphor Emission Control
NANOLIGHT, March 8-14th, Benasque (Spain)
E. Cabello-Olmo et al., Nanophosphor-based Photonic Materials
NANOLIGHT, March 8-14th, Benasque (Spain)
J.M. Viaña et al., Mie Glasses for light conversion
SPIE Photonics West, February 1-6th, San Francisco (USA)
G. Lozano, Photonic Materials Tailors the Emission of Rare-Earth Nanophosphors
Optical Society of America (OSA) Meeting, July 29-August 1, San Francisco, CA (USA)
G. Lozano et al., Nanophotonics tunes rare-earth nanophosphor emission
Optical Society of America (OSA) Meeting, July 29-August 1, San Francisco, CA (USA)
G. Lozano et al.,Transparent nanophosphor films for efficient white-light generation
Spanish Royal Physics Society Meeting, July 15-21, Zaragoza (Spain)
E. Cabello-Olmo et al., Tamm plasmons for controlled emission of nanophosphors
Spanish Royal Physics Society Meeting, July 15-21, Zaragoza (Spain)
J. Miranda-Muñoz et al., Flexible optically disordered materials for LED coatings
Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, November 25-30, Boston, MA (USA)
G. Lozano et al., Mie glass for efficient light absorption and light emission
Conferencia Española de Nanofotónica (CEN), October 3-5, San Sebastián (Spain)
E. Cabello-Olmo et al., Nanophotonics allows tuning the emission properties of nanophosphors
Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Congress, September 26-28, Darmstadt (Germany)
D. Geng et al., Photonic tuning of the emission color of nanophosphors by integration in photonic architectures
KIT - LNM - MPI for Solid State Resarch, July 16-20, Karlsruhe -Saarbruken - Stuttgart (Germany)
G. Lozano, Photonic materials for energy saving applications.
Workshop on Correlated Disorder, Hyperuniformity and Local Self-Uniformity, June 25-26, University of Surrey (UK)
G. Lozano, Mie glasses: Optically disordered materials for optoelectronic applications
Materials Today Webinars, May 10
G. Lozano, New insights into optical materials for optoelectronic applications
Sci-talks, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla, Januray 23, Seville (Spain)
G. Lozano, Photonic tuning of the emission color of nanophosphor films
Cary UV-VIS-NIR User Group Meeting, November 29-30, Waldbronn (Germany)
G. Lozano, Photonic materials for optoelectronic applications
OSA Light, Energy and the Environment Conference, November 6-9, Boulder, CO (USA)
G. Lozano et al., Photonic tuning of nanophosphor transparent films